We will have a booth at the Tom Nix Fishing & Hunting Expo this weekend at the Bayfront Plaza Convention Center. Tyler will be doing a seminar on Saturday at 5 p.m. For the more info click here.
Well we have some new stuff added to the website. “Fish of the Month” Contest. We have some fishing get-togethers and a cool fishing seminar planned for July and August. So check out the new links and check back here for more details.
There is a new section under the members section. It is called keepers and it is a showcase of the members who have been with the club through and through. If you would like to add your picture there, send me an e-mail and I will make it happen.
Wondering about your membership dues? Then head over to the Members section and check the NEW Membership Dues Schedule that Carl has setup.
The Club web page has a directory of club members in the Members section. It is password protected so if you need the Username and Password for the Directory e-mail the webmaster and he will give it to you. If you do not want to be in the directory please e-mail the webmaster or one of the club officers. Also below is a link to Beach Bum’s Shark Data Sheet for the National Seashore.
Minutes from the last meeting.
Shark Data Sheet.
Minutes from previous meetings.
Articles of Incorporation